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http://www.mainstreetenid.org/food-for-thought.html |
Submitted Information:
Garrett Crissup
Group, Business or Organization, if applicable
Crissup Creatives LLC
Project Name
Enid: Queen City
Project Description
Enid: Queen City is a transmedia storytelling, alternate reality game that uses networked narratives to capture imaginations and curiosity.
Enid is named after a character in a popular cycle of narrative King Arthur poems called Idylls of the King.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idylls_of_the_King#Enid (akin to now day’s Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones). Queen City’s setting casts the Lady of the Lake as a Manipulator who caused the rise and fall of King Arthur’s Empire. To escape the Lady, Queen Enid and her kingdom fled to the land with no lakes...and here that hidden kingdom still thrives.
Stage One:
Create a fake news organization called the 'Enid: Queen City Crier'. It would have a fictional tabloid feel and focus on historical fiction/fantasy, and use SciFi/Paranormal/Satire/Supernatural explanations for real life events and strange weather. Twitter is active @QueenCityCrier, website forthcoming.
Use Social Media and Geocaching (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geocaching) to create story driven scavenger/treasure hunts.
Create a Bounty Incentive system for Art homework assignments, such as take pictures of Iconic Enid areas, Video Shorts, Graphic Design Contests, music performance. Give away Main Street Enid Gift Cards as the Prize.
Stage Two:
Invite Participants to play as themselves or create their own alternate character/persona to play as.
Costumed Ball with side activities and battle selfies.
Scheduled Events such as Murder Mystery/Mafia Dinner Parties, (reskinned if need be) zombie runs, landruns to capture game zones (GPS synced races).
Stage Three:
Contract/Commission artists and Enid performers to make exhibitions and show up at random Enid activities and events.
Construct Permanent interactive structures. (Example: Alternate Audio Tour for Cherokee strip museum.)
The Story arc finale would manifest as something like an off season, alternate themed Haunted House.
Estimated Total Budget
The beauty of this project is its relatively low entry point and scalability.
How do you plan to acquire funding for the remainder of your budget?
Websites, Blogs, Podcasts, Twitter & other social media have little to no cost. Toys and Trinkets for Geocaches can be handmade or purchased in bulk to keep spending down.
After initial creation and setup, besides scheduled events, most of the project would be automated and require few man hours to upkeep.
The larger the investment and budget, the more elaborate works we can create, with a greater outreach and scope of activities to present to participants...which in turn translates into more community involvement.
Produce Income by selling Event Tickets, T-shirts, Flags, Buttons, & Electronic performances of songs & narrative story telling. We can also pass the hat around (patron app), have silent auctions, and whatnot.
Describe any permits, licenses or approvals required. At what stage are you in obtaining such permission?
I’ve spoke to Linda Parks at the city clerk’s office, and will complete my application for a solicitor's license as soon as I get the green light (they’re time sensitive so I don’t want to waste money). I also contacted the city attorney’s office and am waiting to hear back about Enid’s Ordinance on street performing.
Time Frame
Three Month, Season long story Arcs.
Benefit for Downtown Enid
Inexpensive entertainment that uses Enid’s history and pre existing infrastructure, with built in networking/personal branding for the players and creators. Gift Card Bounty system that insures funds stay local, and free advertising for any businesses that choose to participate. Cash/Flash Mobs. Promote discovery and exploration of Main Street and Enid at large.
Tell us about you!
Like the Iron Willow, my roots in Enid are deep. I was born at St. Mary's and graduated a Plainsmen. Besides living in Stillwater (Journalism, Psychology, and Early Childhood Education...GO POKES!) for a spell, I’ve lived in and loved Enid my whole freakin’ life.
Pertinent Job History:
Hastings Customer Service Ninja (I hesitated to list it...but it’s the Entertainment Superstore!)
YWCA daycare as soon as turned 18 and was eligible (It was called Pooh’s Corner then.).
Denny Price YMCA summer day camp in interim summers.
Public Library Intern (Children’s Library fucus, but I can do me some dewey decimal system.)
Current Projects:
I’m a contributing Writer and Editor for Pulp Alley (By David Phipps, another Enid Creative http://store.pulpalley.com/category-s/1817.htm).
Always tinkering with my dream novel.
‘Enid: Queen City’ I think the venture is strong enough to stand on its own, but I understand any attention amounts to free advertising for myself, Enid, and any participants. Plus, small money wisely spent can work tiny miracles.
Attached File: Invitation to an Unwinnable Game
Queen City Facebook Inspirational Album
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